June 20, 2019

Building a Brand and Telling Your School's Story - PPD054

Building a Brand and Telling Your School's Story - PPD054
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In our final regular episode for the school year we connect with JP Prezzavento of the Bits and Bytes of Education Podcast (@bitsandbytesedu on Twitter). He shares his transition from Instructional Technology Coordinator to Communications and PR Director. We talk “brands”, telling your schools’ stories and making everyone shine!

What We’re Listening To

AJ: Art of Manliness Episode 325: Leading Quietly

When we think of being a good leader, we often think we need to be a bold, visionary, risk-taking type like Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, or Steve Jobs.

Joseph Badaracco argues that most of the day-to-day work that makes the world function is done by individuals who stand outside the limelight and lead with calm confidence. He’s the author of the book Leading Quietly: An Unorthodox Guide to Doing the Right Thing. Joe discusses the heroic archetype of leadership, why most leadership development books and courses focus on it, and why heroic leadership can actually get in the way of an organization’s success. He then shares the qualities of a quiet leader and why they’re often more effective than heroic leaders at getting things done in an organization.

Chris: New Apple Podcasts Categories coming!

Stacey: Primary Ride Home 

Primary Season swings into full gear next week with the start of the 2019 debates. Before you watch the candidates on June 26th and 27th, catch up on their stories, policies, and political moves, thus far.

JP: Reply All– #130 The Snapchat Thief 

This week, a new Super Tech Support: after Lizzie’s Snapchat gets hacked, things start getting really creepy. Alex investigates.


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JP Prezzavento Profile Photo

JP Prezzavento

Educator. Storyteller. Speaker.

JP Prezzavento currently serves the Fox School District in Arnold, MO as the Communication & Instructional Technology Coordinator, or as he likes to refer to himself, the district’s Chief Storyteller. In this role, JP is responsible for sharing the voices and stories and good news from the 18 schools in the District. Prior to this role, JP served as the Instructional Technology Coordinator for 6 years, during which he led professional development around technology integration for teachers in his district and around the Midwest. Additionally, JP served as a high school ELA teacher for 8 years. JP is passionate about leveraging technology to amplify the voices of students and staff members in his community. You can connect with JP on his podcast, The Bits & Bytes of Education and on Twitter and Instagram @jpprezz.

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